
Preservation Events Introduction

Page history last edited by Peter.McKinney@dia.govt.nz 9 years, 2 months ago

Draft Controlled Vocabulary for Preservation Events

PREMIS Editorial Committee, October 2015



The PREMIS Editorial Committee released Version 3 of the Data Dictionary in June 2015. As part of that work, the Committee also reviewed the controlled vocabulary for preservation events.


The preservation event controlled vocabulary was last modified in August 2012 and is part of the preservation vocabularies maintained at the Library of Congress Linked Data Service. It contains sixteen event types.


The review took into account requests from various institutions to have new events added to the vocabulary as well discussions at various PREMIS events and the experiences brought by the Committee itself.


New Draft of Preservation Event Vocabulary

The new draft of the Preservation Events Controlled Vocabulary is presented here for community feedback. The draft contains forty-seven terms. 


The events are not meant to be entirely inclusive of all possible preservation events. We imagine that organisations will always wish to supplement them with their own ones.


Feedback should be given on the next page. There is a sample entry that shows the form we would prefer.


We will accept private comments. In this case, a copy of the table should be made and sent to Peter McKinney (Peter.McKinney[@]dia.govt.nz).


Core Events

The Committee has introduced the notion of core preservation events. These are events that may be deemed to be central to any organisation wanting to preserve digital objects in the long-term. The concept has not been applied to a Library of Congress preservation vocabulary before and hopefully will generate community discussion; for example, if an event is core, does the organisation have to record it for every object, or should it mean that an organization is capable of recording such an event if it is applicable?


We are interested to understand whether the community believes that such a designation of certain events is necessary.


Questions for Consideration

  1. What are your thoughts on the terms introduced?
    1. Are they consistent with your organisation’s view of digital preservation? If not, what is wrong?
    2. What is missing?
    3. What should not be included?
  2. What are your thoughts on the notion of “core” preservation events?
  3. If you utilise a different controlled list, can this be mapped consistently to it?
  4. The current controlled vocabulary uses the term “Validation”. The draft contains the term “Format Validation”, which is more specific. What are the ramifications for you if the new term is kept in the final version?
  5. Is there anything else that should be supplied with the final version to make it more useable?


Timescale for Comment

This review process is now open and will close on 29th February 2016. 

For more information or Peter McKinney (Peter.McKinney[@]dia.govt.nz).




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