# |
Term |
Core Event? |
Definition/description |
Link |
Comment |
1 |
accession |
The process of adding an object to the inventory of a repository. This provides a clear delineation point for the assumption of responsibility for the digital content’s preservation. |
Peter McKinney [Institution]: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. |
2 |
adding emulation information |
Adding to an object's metadata, information necessary in order to emulate that object (such as the application used to create the object). This is a special case of "Information package modification". |
Libor Coufal [National Library of Australia]: The definition needs clarification as it is not the object which is emulated but rather the object is rendered in an emulated environment. Also, I am not sure that the emulation information would be added to the object's metadata, e.g. if you wanted to use emulation to render objects in the MS Works format, would you be adding (the same) emulation information to each object in the format? Probably not... I am also not sure what the use case for this event metadata is, possibly other than knowing how old/up-to-date the information is...?
Evelyn McLellan [Artefactual Systems]: I agree this term is problematic. In particular, I think it's too specific & wonder whether "metadata modification" would serve as an umbrella term for adding emulation information (see term #32, below), if a user feels some kind of event is needed at all.
3 |
appraisal |
The process of assessing whether a package of digital material should be included in the repository. It is recorded when an organisation accepts or rejects curatorial responsibility for a package, usually due to verification failure or a failure to meet expected standards. [eventOutcome being accepted or rejected] |
Bertram Lyons [AVPreserve]: Should event outcome include more than two options here? Some appraisals result in partial accessions - e.g., "We'll take some but not all."
Evelyn McLellan [Artefactual]: Agree. Maybe add partially accepted as a possible eventOutcome?
Lina Bountouri [EU Publications Office]: Agree.
Libor Coufal [National Library of Australia]: Sometimes appraisals may happen after ingest (for practical reasons or because of an archive or institution's retention policy which may stipulate that records need to be retained for certain time, e.g. 30 years, after which they may (but may not) be disposed of. Could the definition be updated to reflect this? E.g. "should be included or retained in the repository"...?
Lina Bountouri [EU Publications Office]: Agree.
4 |
capture |
core |
The process whereby a repository actively obtains an object. Includes the notion of "receipt" |
http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/preservation/eventType/cap |
Libor Coufal [National Library of Australia]: I am confused by the second sentence - what does it mean in this context? Isn't the notion of "receipt" passive, i.e. the opposite of active capture?
Evelyn McLellan [Artefactual Systems]: I agree, I think that sentence should be removed from the definition.
5 |
compression |
The process of coding data to save storage space or transmission time. |
http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/preservation/eventType/com |
Bertram Lyons [AVPreserve]: I know this is an old vocab item, but should compression and decompression distinguish clearly in the definition that this is about lossless approaches (e.g., zip, tar, etc.)? One could imagine an organization applying compression or decompression in a lossy way as well (even if one would not want that -- e.g., WAV -> MP3).
Evelyn McLellan [Artefactual Systems]: It may be better to capture information about the lossiness of the compression in the eventDetailInformation or eventOutcomeInformation instead.
6 |
creation |
The act of creating a new object. |
http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/preservation/eventType/cre |
7 |
data carrier migration |
A transformation of an object resulting from the creation of a copy on a more contemporary data carrier. |
Bertrand Caron (BnF): I am not very keen on the word "transformation", which suggests that the Packaging information, Content information or PDI were modified, which doesn't seem the case (I am just trying to figure out which OAIS migration.type it corresponds to: duplication? transformation?) Couldn't it just say "The act of copying an object on a more contemporary data carrier"?
8 |
deaccession |
The formal process of removing an object from the inventory of a repository. This may be by transfer to another repository, return to the depositor or by permanent deletion. |
http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/preservation/eventType/dea |
9 |
decompression |
The process of reversing the effects of compression. |
http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/preservation/eventType/dec |
10 |
decryption |
core |
The process of converting encrypted data to plain text. |
http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/preservation/eventType/der |
Evelyn McLellan [Artefactual]: Can we also add encryption as an Event? It may be desirable to describe this as a pre-ingest Event performed outside the repository, or some institutions may want to encrypt AIPs for storage or transfer to another repository.
Libor Coufal [National Library of Australia]: I second Evelyn in that encryption should also be added.
11 |
deletion |
core |
The process of permanently destroying an object in a repository. |
http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/preservation/eventType/del |
Libor Coufal [National Library of Australia]: Could "destroying" be replaced, e.g. with "removing" (which btw seems to be commonly used in this sense in other parts of this document and elsewhere, such as the referenced LOC definition). Also, does "soft" and "hard" deletion need to be distinguished?
12 |
deselection |
A file or representation which is described and defined in the packaging information but is NOT ingested on purpose. This might happened if e.g. a file is migrated prior to ingest and only the migrated copy is kept. To provide a complete audit trail the original file has to be defined and has its own PREMIS record. |
13 |
digital signature validation |
The process of determining that a decrypted digital signature matches an expected value. |
http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/preservation/eventType/dig |
14 |
dissemination |
The process of transforming one or more archival information packages (AIP) into a dissemination information package (DIP) for use outside of the preservation repository |
15 |
file extension change |
Assignment of a new filetype extension to a file object; typically done only if the existing extension was found to be incorrect. |
16 |
file system analysis |
The process of analysing one or more filesystems from raw or forensically packaged images |
17 |
file system extraction |
The process of extracting one or more filesystems from raw or forensically packaged images |
18 |
filename change |
Removal of prohibited characters from file and directory names or other changes to conform with best practice file-naming conventions.
Bernadette Houghton [Deakin]: Many organisations also require filenames to conform to a specific pattern.
Bertrand Caron (Bibliothèque nationale de France): I'd prefer a more generic definition for "filename change": at the BnF, our choice for renaming is an entire replacement of the original filename by a sequential series of numbers, recording the original filename and original extension in a premis:originalName. I would suggest something like "A modification of a filename, either a removal of prohibited character, or a partial or entire replacement of the original filename".
Lina Bountouri [EU Publications Office]: Agree with Bertrand, different rules may be applied for file naming and we shouldn't specify in the definition specific file naming policies.
19 |
fixity check |
core |
The process of verifying that an object has not been changed in a given period. |
http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/preservation/eventType/fix |
20 |
forensic feature analysis |
The process of forensically analysing raw bitstreams |
21 |
format identification |
core |
Identification of the object's file format and version (note: this event is different from 'validation' which compares the object to known format specifications) |
22 |
format validation |
The process of comparing an object with a standard and noting compliance or exceptions. |
http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/preservation/eventType/val |
23 |
identifier assignment |
core |
Assignment of an identifier – a special case of information package modification |
24 |
imaging |
The process of extracting a disk image from physical media |
25 |
Information Package merging |
Recorded when Information Packages (SIP, AIP, DIP) are merged together. |
Bernadette Houghton [Deakin]: not sure what this means. When the packages are merged into one file, or into one package? |
26 |
Information Package splitting |
Recorded when Information Packages (SIP, AIP, DIP) are split apart. |
Bernadette Houghton [Deakin]: not sure what this means. When the packages are merged from one file, or from one package?
Evelyn McLellan [Artefactual Systems]: The use case could be for example when a large AIP is broken up into smaller chunks for placement in certain types of storage systems. For example, placing a large AIP into LOCKSS storage can require the AIP to be arbitrarily split into smaller chunks because LOCKSS networks often have filesize limits built into them. Information Package merging (above) could be defined as the process of reversing the effect of Information Package splitting.
27 |
ingest end |
core |
Completion of the total ingest process. |
28 |
ingest start |
core |
An event will be generated when the ingest process is started and the ingest process will be completed when an approval/acceptance event is recorded.) |
29 |
ingestion |
core |
The process of adding objects to a preservation repository. More detail can be gained by utilising "Ingest Start" and "Ingest End" rather than this one event. |
Angela Di Iorio [Sapienza University Rome]: The start and the end of the Ingestion "EVENT" is not already captured by the EventDateTime semantic unit?
Maybe a better structural refinement about EventDateTime should cover this need. In the PROV-O mapping, I realized that there is this important difference between PREMIS and PROV-O: PREMIS requires just the structural conformance to a datetime format and doesn't provide a mechanism for distinguishing the starting and ending time for an Event. In the PROV-O the distinction is made for activities (startedAtTime,endedAtTime) and for instantaneous events that in PROV-O are classified as generation, usage or invalidation. Because PREMIS is domain-specific, this distinction associated with the Event type vocabulary would refine the information. Maybe similarly to the Rights statement, semantic units for startDateTime and endDateTime should be provided for Events that need time to be completed and a semantic unit (i.e. atTime), for capturing the time of instantaneous events.
30 |
message digest calculation |
core |
The process by which a message digest ("hash") is created. |
http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/preservation/eventType/mes |
31 |
metadata extraction (propertyExtraction) |
core |
Extraction of technical (or non-technical) metadata like the resolution, colordepth etc. from a file using tools such as JHOVE. |
32 |
metadata modification |
Changes to the metadata about an object. Recorded when a package or file has been modified, added or deleted |
33 |
migration |
core |
A transformation of an object creating a representation in a more contemporary format. |
http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/preservation/eventType/mig |
Libor Coufal [National Library of Australia]: The use of the term "migration" (as it is used here) in the community is inconsistent with OAIS (which uses "transformation') but that's for a completely different discussion... Anyway, I am not sure that "more contemporary" is a good characteristics of a target format nor that it is the best way to define migration. I would say that the definition of normalization would probably be better suited here (although not perfect), or just "in a different format" as it may not always be the case that the format is more contemporary.
Bernadette Houghton [Deakin]: Agree with Libor that "more contemporary format" is not the best description. Maybe "useable" or "preservation-friendly"?
Lina Bountouri [EU Publications Office]: I believe that we must either be more neutral in the adjective we are using, such as saying "a new format" or use the "preservation-friendly".
34 |
modification |
Changes to the metadata about an object and/or the act of changing a file or bitstream after receipt of the object, but before the object is ingested into the repository. |
Lina Bountouri [EU Publications Office]: In the Publications Office, we might ingest METS packages that will update (modify) the metadata and/or the object but there is no definition of which of the two or if this action is for both of them. |
35 |
normalization |
core |
A transformation of an object creating a representation in a supported preservation format. |
http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/preservation/eventType/nor |
Libor Coufal [National Library of Australia]: I don't think that the definition captures the distinction with migration - isn't the purpose of migration also to create a representation in a supported preservation format? Normalization (as I understand it) means that all objects in the repository are transformed into a limited number of selected formats - often/usually at or before ingest. E.g. all word-processing documents and "plain" PDFs are migrated into PDF-A.
36 |
object modification |
The act of changing a file or bitstream after receipt of the object, but before the object is ingested into the repository. |
Bertram Lyons [AVPreserve]: What terms are used if a repository "changes a file or bitstream" after the object is ingested into the repository? I am unclear of the intention of setting the "before the object is ingested" qualifier in this definition.
Evelyn McLellan [Artefactual systems]: Agree. Maybe just limit the definition to "The act of changing a file or bitstream".
37 |
object validation |
core |
Structure and compliance validation of the Object (e.g. an AIP) |
Evelyn McLellan [Artefactual systems]: This is a little confusing. Maybe the definition should be "Information Package validation"? |
38 |
quality review |
recorded when quality review is performed and noted as passed or failed |
Libor Coufal [National Library of Australia]: The description does not define what quality review is...
Evelyn McLellan [Artefactual Systems]: Agree, "quality review" is vague and is used in both the term and its definition. Would it make better sense to use "Information Package validation" instead, and define it as "The process of verifying whether an Information Package conforms to pre-determined specifications" or something similar?
39 |
quarantine |
Segregate objects for designated period of time (e.g. before running a virus check) |
40 |
recovery |
The act of regaining one or more files after a disaster. Usually occurs as part of a disaster recovery process. |
41 |
redaction |
The process of modifying the content of a digital object to remove or mask information considered to be sensitive in nature (that is, the information cannot be viewed by non-authorized users of the repository).
The process of eliminating potentially private and sensitive data from a disk image or copy thereof. |
42 |
replication |
The process of creating a copy of an object that is, bit-wise, identical to the original. |
http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/preservation/eventType/rep |
43 |
SIP creation |
core |
Creation of the SIP |
Evelyn McLellan [Artefactual Systems]: This is quite vague. What is the act that constitutes the creation of a SIP? Putting digital objects and metadata into a container of some kind? Moving them to a certain location, or maybe adding some kind of content or packaging information?
44 |
storage migration |
A change to an object’s storage location |
45 |
transmission |
The process of transmitting to a repository metadata and/or digital object(s). Transmission usually comes before ingestion. |
46 |
unpacking |
Extracting objects from packages (e.g. .zip, .tar) |
Bertram Lyons [AVPreserve]: How is this semantically different from the current "decompression" term - which seems to assume the same action as this "unpacking" term?
Evelyn McLellan [Artefactual systems]: Unpacking does not necessarily involve decompression. Some types of packages are not compressed, so the action is simply to extract the contents from the package. Bertram Lyons [AVPreserve]: Right, but in some cases .zip and .tar are actually compressing and decompressing (not just unpacking). I'm wondering if we need clearer events in general, such as lossless compression/decompression; lossy compression/decompression; packaging/unpackaging (no compression is assumed here).
Evelyn McLellan [Artefactual systems]: Whether compression is lossy or lossless could go into eventDetail or eventOutcomeDetailNote or similar.
Evelyn McLellan [Artefactual systems]: If we add unpacking as an Event, can we also add packing (or unpackaging and packaging)? I can see a packing/packaging Event being used when an AIP is packaged into a bag, for example.
47 |
unquarantine |
Release of a file from quarantine |
48 |
virus check |
core |
The process of scanning a file for malicious programs. |
http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/preservation/eventType/vir |
49 |
wellformedness check |
Checking if a file is wellformed. Often validation checks already include wellformedness checks. In any case the result of those combined checks is recorded in two separate events. |
Comments (4)
Bertram Lyons said
at 2:31 pm on Oct 29, 2015
Bertram Lyons [AVPreserve]: My first comment about core events is that the idea of PREMIS is to scale across many digital repository types (not just archive or library repositories) - any core designations would have to be generic enough to meet any repository use cases in the context of ISO 14721 and ISO 16363.
Evelyn McLellan said
at 7:54 pm on Nov 9, 2015
Evelyn McLellan [Artefactual Systems]: I would like to propose another term: Derivation. The use case is a research data publishing platform that generates tabular file format derivatives from uploaded statistical files. This is not normalization because the purpose is not preservation but rather derivation for the purpose of data manipulation and visualization. So the definition would be: "A transformation of an object creating a representation for the purpose of data manipulation, visualization, statistical analysis or other non-preservation activity."
Bertrand Caron said
at 6:28 am on Mar 16, 2016
Some events may be added because of modelling choices of the ontology revision team (for the moment, it would be the case of "policy assignment", though "digital signature generation" might also be necessary depending on future decisions).
Lina Bountouri said
at 9:09 am on Apr 21, 2016
In our case, we are planning to integrate PREMIS not only to our digital preservation repository, but also to our production system, which will feed our repository.
Lina Bountouri [PUBLICATIONS OFFICE]: I have proposed the value "transmission". In our production system, we receive zip files containing: METS wrapper, descriptive metadata, administrative and digital objects. So, we would like to start from the beginning of the whole process and encode in PREMIS provenance metadata, which are in our case related to the following events: transmission (which is not in the current event types proposal), ingestion start and end (already in the event types new proposal), validation, creation, update (which could be partially covered by metadata and object modification; however, in our case we might need just "modification", since in the beginning of our ingestion we might not be able to distinguish if the update is in the object or in the metadata), delete etc.
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