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[Lina Bountouri - Publications Office]: I have added the transmission event. In our case, we are planning to integrate PREMIS not only to our digital preservation repository, but also to our production system, which will feed our preservation repository. In our production system, we receive zip files containing: METS wrapper, descriptive metadata, administrative and digital objects. So, we would like to start from the beginning of the whole process and encode in PREMIS provenance metadata, which are in our case related to the following events: transmission (which is not in the current event types proposal), ingestion start and end (already in the event types new proposal), validation, creation, update (which could be partially covered by metadata and object modification; however, in our case we might need just "modification", since in the beginning of our ingestion we might not be able to distinguish if the update is in the object or in the metadata), delete etc.
[Lina Bountouri from Publications Office-EU]: I have added the transmission event. In our case, we are planning to integrate PREMIS not only to our digital preservation repository, but also to our production system, which will feed our preservation repository. In our production system, we receive zip files containing the following: METS wrapper, descriptive metadata, administrative and digital objects. So, we would like to start from the beginning of the whole process and encode in PREMIS provenance metadata, which are in our case related to the following events: transmission (which is not in the current event types proposal), ingestion start and end (already in the event types new proposal), validation, creation, update (which could be partially covered by metadata and object modification; however, in our case we might need just "modification", since in the beginning of our ingestion we might not be able to distinguish if the update is in the object or in the metadata), delete etc.
#18 additions of "best practice file-naming" text. #25/26, 33 - comments added.